Hell0 and welc0me t0 my card!! ♡✿
My namez Kathy/
N0n-binary b0y, belluzr0mantic, aroflux, caedzexual and neptunic! ^^
They/He/it/Xe/Cat +0ther ne0prnz!
I'm a zmall artizt wh0 d0ez art f0r fun. I l0ve muzic and cart00nz 💗
My t0p 4 zh0wz are:
♡ The 0wl h0uze
♡ inanimate inzanity
♡ Bluey/Leg0 monkie kid
♡ Ma0 Ma0 her0ez 0f pure heart
I'm a min0r z0 n0 weird ztuff plz. I alz0 have adhd, autizm, ptzd, hyperzexuality, anger izzuez, z0cial anxiaty, zmiling deprezzi0n, eating diz0rder, bipolar and schiz0phrenia 😋
If y0u wanna bec0me friendz lemme kn0w! I'm alwayz 0pen f0r new friendz. But if y0u make me unc0mf0rtable then i'll juzt ign0re y0u, z0rry.
Z0me ph0biaz I have: agyr0ph0bia, thant0ph0bia, athazag0r0ph0bia, kak0rraphi0ph0bia and dyztychiph0bia.
That'z all the bazic ab0ut me! I h0pe y0u'll enj0y the ztay in my pagez!